Ever since December I've been keeping on top of wrist exercises to get rid of any tension. So far: I can now twist side to side, I still gotta work on the wrist bending upward and downward, which is gonna take a bit. But drawing has been back to how it was before. There are moments where there's like a light jolt of pain, then it's just gone for a long time. I had a follow up appointment with the doc on the 8th, and he said everything looks good; and I'm able to go 10 pounds on the right hand now. And if everything goes well and no issues are found; then this hand is back to lifting any weight.
It'll still be a bit to adjust to this new scar on my wrist, as well as just the experience from it. But I am very thankful for the kind and supporting words from you all, as well as the support form my friends and family. It's it easier to get through this broken wrist and the sudden stillness of not being able to create for awhile.
I am working on another animated project where patrons are seeing the progress being done. I hope ya guys look forward to it. Here's to more content in 2024!
yayy!! i hope your wrist gets better as soon as it can, i wish you luck wolfbaloo!